
Blacked Movement At Edinburgh University


University has been a very welcoming place for minority groups to attend. Many students want to come to this great University. But there are some Blacked students at the University of Edinburgh.


The University of Edinburgh had only three percent of its undergraduates who were black last year. This means that the University does not even have a full black student population. Even with this small amount, some groups feel very intimidated by coming to the University of Edinburgh.


The University of Edinburgh realizes that there are issues with prejudice but does not seem willing to do anything about it. The minority group, the African Student Association, went on a hunger strike in January because they do not feel that enough is being done to help them on campus.


They feel that they are a good investment because they bring up educated children at higher levels. The University of Edinburgh also understands that they have a mission to provide opportunities to underprivileged minorities. However, this group feels that the problem is not being addressed quickly enough. They want more support from the University and more programs that will help them connect with other groups.


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