Successful startups


One of the key attributes of a great Product Manager is their ability to listen. The fact that Product management Course as a function is at the center of almost everything (as shown below); one's ability to listen, comprehend and then take action / provide a solution, is what makes a good product manager.

A one liner job description of a product manager is to “build a product”. But what does it even mean? How can one person or a team of PMs build an end-to-end product without active collaboration from other functions . Does a product manager know all the functions well enough to understand the varied use-cases and customers' needs? Does a Product management ask me anything really understand all the technical challenges? This is where a good product manager's ability to listen, coordinate and collaborate with all the stakeholders, can potentially result in outstanding success.


Let's look at each of the stakeholders and the kind of inputs / feedback that can help a product manager. 


PG Tip: It's very important to bring yourself to the stakeholder’s level to ensure a free-flowing & honest conversation.


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