India stock photos


India Stock Photo

The world of Microstock imagery has grown leaps and bounds over the last decade with large and medium sized websites having millions of images in their repository. The number of images, videos, illustrations a website possess is often considered as a benchmark for success. However not all images adhere to the same quality and standards. Hence finding the right image for your project can get exceedingly difficult from amongst the sea of images.

The demand for India stock photos is immense worldwide from tourism and hospitality industry to academics, journals, news and so on. A lot of large Microstock companies drive substantial sales from Indian royalty free images.

India stock images website deals exclusively in providing best quality India royalty free images for the domestic and International markets. Although our website is new and formed in the year 2020, our images have catered to worldwide clients and customers since year 2012 through leading Microstock companies like Shutterstock, IStock, Alamy, Adobe Stock, Deposit Photos and Dreamstime.

Our curated collection of Download India images categories include Indian historical monuments and medieval architecture, Indian landscapes and travel destinations, people and lifestyle mostly shot from real life, Indian festivals and rituals, city architecture and notable landmarks, rural life, healthcare and medical, Indian art, wildlife and much more. Currently we have an inventory of nearly 1000 selected images and we are constantly adding new images to our repository each day.

Buy indian images is a unique collection of images from India created and curated by Roop Dey, who has been a travel and stock photographer since year 2014. His imagery has been used by leading companies, brands, websites and blogs for over seven years. As a photographer, Roop has participated in numerous photographic workshops and exhibitions.


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