Healthy fruits for health


Are you looking for ways to eat healthier foods? If yes, then you should definitely check out these top 10 healthy food trends.

 Healthy eating has become a trend over the last couple of years. People are becoming more conscious about their health and want to live longer. This means they are looking for healthier alternatives to their favourite foods.


 Here are some of the top healthy foods for health trends that you should try.


1. Eggs

 Eggs are rich sources of protein and cholesterol. Egg yolk contains more than twice the amount of protein compared to egg white. You should eat eggs regularly because they are packed full of vitamins B12, E, A, K and choline and have been shown to improve brain development in children.

2. Whole Grains

 Whole grains consist of the entire grain kernel including the bran, germ and endosperm layers. These three parts of the grain have different nutritional qualities. The bran layer provides fiber while the germ contains many essential oils. Eating whole grains helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Beans

 Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. They are also relatively high in iron. One cup of cooked beans has 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. That's about half a cup of beans per day. Many people don't realize how much protein is in beans until they start adding them to their diet.

4. Nuts

 Nuts provide a great source of calories and protein. Walnuts are particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids, along with copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, and folate. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Peanuts are good sources of protein and fiber.

5. Olive Oil

 Olive oil comes from the fruit of the olive tree. It is high in fat content (about 60%) and provides several benefits for your heart and skin. People who consume extra virgin olive oil tend to have healthier hearts and reduced rates of cardiovascular disease. Extra virgin olive oil also contains antioxidants. This means that it may help protect against certain forms of cancer and keep the skin looking younger and smoother.

6. Blueberries

 Blueberries are really good for your heart. According to research conducted at Harvard University, blueberries may reduce inflammation and help to prevent cardiovascular disease. Blueberries have a lot of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are compounds that give many healthy fruits for health their deep color. Flavonoid compounds are powerful anti-inflammatory agents and may even help to lower cholesterol levels. Because they are high in fiber and low in calories, blueberries make a great snack food.

7. Kiwi Fruit

 Kiwis are a fruit that are native to New Zealand and Australia. They are small, greenish in color and covered in fuzzy fuzz. Kiwis have become quite popular recently due to their taste and nutritional value. They are packed with vitamin C and fiber, making them good to eat fresh or frozen. They’re also considered a “superfruit” since they are full of antioxidants and fiber, while being relatively low in sugar. Kiwis are delicious eaten out of hand or added to yogurt, cereal or smoothies.

8. Watermelon

 Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) are grown worldwide. There are two types of watermelons: round and oblong. Round watermelons weigh about 4 lb., while oblongs weigh 16-20 lbs. Oblongs are generally sweeter than round watermelons. Watermelons should ripen on the vine and not fall off. Most people know that melons need to stay cool for best flavor, but did you know that they also need to stay cool to avoid rotting? If a watermelon gets hot enough, bacteria can start growing inside. This causes watermelons to rot before they get ripe. To keep watermelon cool, store them in the refrigerator or put them in a wading pool. Make sure to wash them well first!

9. Broccoli

 Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and grows in clusters of pale green heads. The flower buds develop into edible broccoli florets. Broccoli contains cancer fighting phytochemicals called glucosinolates. It is also a good source of vitamins A & K, folic acid and fiber. Broccoli doesn't just taste good, it's good for you too!

10. Eggplant

 Eggplants belong to the genus Solanum subgenus Lycopersicon. They are biennial herbs originating in Africa and Asia. They are a tropical plant cultivated worldwide for its brightly colored fruits, which are often consumed cooked or raw. Many varieties exist, including long skinny Japanese varieties, fat globe shaped Italian eggplants, and short squat Chinese varieties. Eggplants are a good source of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin B6, Copper, Folate, Niacin, Potassium and Zinc.


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